Thursday, November 28, 2019

Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh Essay Example

Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh Essay Date: February 15, 2013 Dr. Mahbub Sarfaraj Department of Management Kabi Nazrul Govt. college Dhaka Subject: Submission of Term Paper . Dear sir, It is a great pleasure and privilege the term titled â€Å"Impact Of Globalization In Economic Growth †. I have really enjoyed to prepare this report. I thing this report enrich my knowledge on impact of globalization in economic growth . There may be some mistake I think this mistake in the report will be kindly excused. With Thanks and best regards Sincerely Yours, Marium Akter Roll Number : 961 42 78 Registration Number :165 23 59 Department of Management Kabi Nazrul Govt. Collage Student’s Declaration I hereby declare that the report of term paper namely â€Å"Impact of Globalization in Economic Growth† by me a comprehensive study of the Impact of Globalization of Economic Growth . I also declare that this paper is my original worked and prepared for academic purpose which is part of B. B. A. Marium Akter Roll Number : 961 42 78 Registration Number :165 23 59 Department of Management Kabi Nazrul Govt. Collage Supervisor’s Declaration I hereby declare that the concerned report entitled â€Å"The impact of globalization in the economic growth† original work by Marium Akter ; a student of BBA (Hons. ), Department of Management , Kabi Nazrul Govt. College , has completed term paper under my supervision and submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of B. B. A at Kabi Nazrul Govt. College. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Dr. Mahbub Sarfaraj Lecturer Department of Management Kabi Nazrul Govt. college Executive Summary After studying the theoretical concepts of topic, understanding its practical implication and application is the next step in the learning process. n the process writing this paper , I came to know about different aspects of export as well as the Saudi Arabian market that I have explored with the light of my little knowledge . I have chosen Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh to complete my project on. Bangladesh is trying to develop unemployment sector is one of the most promising one in this process. It will face competition there but it has come distinctive qualities which will face help it to establish itself as a prime sector. However, after all this human being ,I believe everyone is not beyond limitation . We will write a custom essay sample on Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer There might have problems regarding lacks and limitation in some aspect and also some minor mistake such as syntax error or typing mistake or lack of limitation please pardon for that mistake . Md. Rasel Roll Number : 961 42 77 Registration Number :165 23 58 Department of Management Kabi Nazrul Govt. Collage Table of Content Letter of transmittal01 Student’s Declaration02 Supervisor’s Declaration03 Executive Summary04 Introduction05 Objective10 The Nature11 Impact 12 Causes 14 Extent17 Type 19 Structural Unemployment 19 Frictional Unemployment 19 Cyclical Unemployment 19 Seasonal Unemployment 20 Possible solution to unemployment 20 Conclusion 21 Bibliography22 â€Å"Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh† Introduction Unemployment is a great problem in Bangladesh. Every year hundreds of thousands students are coming out from college and University. Though it is one of the major responsibility of the Government to provide job to those young generation but the Government is failed to meet the job demand among the large population. Only a tiny fraction of total jobless in managed by different government official and private organization but a majority remain unemployment. Historically for a long time British administration was the main cause of this problem. After ending Mughol regime when the British came in sub continent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh)They started to do business ,They exploited the sub-continent. They did not establish any industry which is helpful to remove unemployment problem. Though some Industry was made but all them were placed in Indian Territory. So Bangladesh region was neglected from the British period. After ending British rule in 1947 Pakistan adopted the same rule they establish all kinds of Industry in west Pakistan not in East Pakistan . As a result of Pakistani monopoly rule we saw the freedom fighting war in 1971. After nine month continuous war it is divided and named East Pakistan as a Bangladesh. After 1971 Bangladesh has been facing political crisis badly. As a result no government can not take long term massive step to remove the unemployment problem. Within 41 years Bangladesh has experience about eight new government and two assassination Incident at the top level country leader. So now political crisis is one of the major causes of unemployment problems. Among other two major parties BNP and Aowamileague are busy to gain only political power. None of these parties are trying to do anything to solve the country’s major problems Unemployment problems. Many Asian developing countries are the bright example in the world who is successful to remove the unemployment problem successfully. Korea, Malaysia, Singapore are the news of them, They are growing rapidly because there is no political crisis, Government assured the foreign Investor about political clam environment. So many American, European and Japanese company are investing those regions spontaneously. AS a result they are developing very fast. Bangladesh Government and political leader should leer from those Asian countries. Recent attitude and activities of political parties are very hateful to the common people. By election if a party goes to power then another party cannot accept that, they do not go to parliament they do not express constructive opinion in the parliament which is helpful for common people . But they should not do it. May be there is some discrimination of the election result but there are overall acceptation for the common people. To think about greater welfare of the country they should keep patient, they should support the government to take long term step to remove unemployment problems. If we watch towards Japan, Korea, Malaysia what we will see? Due to industrialization they have changed a lot. Without industrialization no nation can expect strong economic basement and solution of unemployment problems. Political settlement the first and forecast thing for Bangladesh is, to build up industry to remove the unemployment problem. If they can assure the political clam and stable situation, then foreigner will to come invest manufacturing sector to build new industry. In this respect transportation, Road and Highway, Electricity should be reconstructed strongly otherwise everything will be failed. Specially Automobile and Electronics industry are the major items to intensify a country’s overall financial condition. Most of money is spent in this two sector. Lot of population can be employed in these industry. Because by surrounding a automobile or electronics industry hundreds supporting some industry will be build up. As result a lot of people will be employed. In this respect the Government should adopt a strong and strict policy about used car establishing automobile industry they should ban import of all used car. Used car is import is destroying the environment and employment opportunity. To intensify the overall industrialization our Ambassadors who are employed in different countries specially Japan, Korea,Malaysia and Singapora can help the government to adopt strong effective ,active successful police. Because are well known with those countries environment. Government and people they have practical and expert felling about the development policy in different sector of the respective country. We have already wasted a lot of time. We don’t want to live as the poorest and neglected nation in the world. We want our economic growth ,our honor. We have a lot of workforce lot of money in the bank. But due to proper utilization and proper planning we are staying in back. In this regard political leader, Intellectual industrialist, planner Ambassador, Teacher, Student and migrated generation in abroad should contribute achieve the economic progress. If we can take proper steps to obtain our economic growth, then we can remove our unemployment problem. God says if you want to love me try to love people first. If you believe in God you have to love people. Ask yourself according your ability an responsibility how much has you done to help country? 80% the people are living in rural. After a long struggle a village parents educate his children helped them to grownup. They help them to gain college and University degree. Rest duty is yours that is Government. Yes it is Government duty to provide job for our young generation. It is fundamental duty of a government to solve the problem of Unemployment. Objective The rice of unemployment, as has been reported to be case in Bangladesh under a recent study that was prepared by the planning commission for finding out the progress made by the country under the millennium Development goals (MDGs) programme of the United Nation, is a worrisome development. The rate of unemployment in Bangladesh, according to the study, has now risen to some 11 per cent from what was percent 8. 0 percent in 2002 and 204 percent in 1990. This is only official data. The unofficial but reliable estimates of unemployment are higher. Employment creation needs to be a very important objective in every economy for the simple reasons that unemployment persons pose a burden at every economy for the simple level in society. First of all, they are burdens for their families. Unemployment young ones eligible to work and not finding work are a source of agony for their families. Family resources are drained on the maintenance of unemployed young persons. In the overall economic sense, unemployment people are liabilities for te economy because they do not produce only consume. People who do jobs usually produce something or discharge a service and obtain an income in return for their economic activities. Thus, both unemployment and its milder form, underemployment, meaning less than optimum engagement in work, are highly undesirable for the economy and society. Employment means incomes and it is an no way possible to alleviate poverty without creating income-earning opportunities or jobs for those remain unemployment. It is, therefore, extremely important to put the greatest emphasis on maximizing employment opportunities through meaningful operationalisation of the strategy for poverty alleviation and sustainable development. For this, the government must pursue practical policies to give a stimulus to much greater investment in the economy so that more jobs can be created on a regular basis. The domestic economy may not expand, in the short run, sufficient and proportionality to provide jobs to the rising number of unemployed people. It, thus, serves the country’s purpose if efforts are made at same time to send people abroad with jobs. In the latter case, the benefits can be multiple. The pressure of the unemployment ones for jobs eases, foreign currencies are remitted in support of the foreign currency reserve and the country is also spared the parasitic existence of people without jobs. Considering all this factors, the government should pursue more energetic policies to help create synergy so that more investment takes places within the economy, on one side and more people can also be sent abroad with gainful jobs, on the other. Providing training at publicly –run training centre to impact effective training to young persons for jobs which have good demand abroad can be quite useful here, because the returns in remittances from skilled labour are substantially higher than unskilled one. For speeding up employment locally, action like making available training, advisory service, capital support and assistance to the country’s huge unemployment youth at grassroots level should merit a serious attention, in addition to other supportive public policies in areas of infrastructure faculties, investment-friendly regulatory reforms etc. Training and assistance, are, of course, Vital for expending the scope for self-employment opportunities, particularly in the dairies and livestock, poultry breeding, growing of novel agriculture products for export, etc. The policy objective should be pro-active here particularly for encouraging the labour intebsive sectors to maximize employment. The Nature Unemployment means the state of being without any work both for the educated and uneducated for earning one’s livelihood. Unemployment problem has become a great concern all over the world. But nowhere in the world, this problem is so acute as in Bangladesh. Thousand of people in our country are without any job. Cause of unemployment: Bangladesh, like other developing countries, suffer form large-scale disguised unemployment in the sense that, even with unchanged techniques of agricultural a large part of the population engaged in agricultural could be removed without reducing agricultural output. Beyond agriculture, disguised unemployment also exists in large industries, offices and organization, particularly in the public sector. Unemployment among the educated youths is one of the major problems in Bangladesh. The unemployment rate for the population having secondary certificate level education and above is significantly higher than those with a lower level education, The unemployment rate for educated women is higher compared to that for the male population. In Bangladesh salaried/wage employment in the formal sector is not big enough to take care of the huge number of unemployment. Employment promotion, especially , creation of opportunities, continues as the most important function of the Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training, The Fifth Five-year plan for 1997-2002 had set a target of creating additional employment of 6. 5 million persons . of this, a total of 1,60,000 persons expected to be engaged in emphasis had been given on training and credit support to women micro entrepreneurs in cottage industries and other traditional and non-traditional sectors including skill development for service industries and non-farm activities. The private sector and NGO’S are also playing a vital role to this end effect of unemployment problem. The efforts of rural-urban migration in Bangladesh are analyzed to identify a relationship between migration and unemployment, Poverty, unemployment and natural hazards appear to be the main reasons for the rural exodus. The preference for moving to a large city is found to be determined by the urban bias in planning both national and international authorities, and by the public amenities and resources available in the urban areas. An analysis of the levels and trends in urbanization reveals the notable role of rural-urban migration in the rapid growth of the urban population. Most migrants are young, unmarried males of working age. A case study of migrants in Dhaka city illustrates the reasons for and consequences of migration. It is concluded that rural-urban migration is mainly a survival strategy of rural poor. Impact According to a study of the international Labour Organization (ILO), the rate of growth of unemployment in Bangladesh was 1. 9 per cent in the decade of the nineties. But the growth in unemployment currently is 3. 7 percent. The ILO Figures also show Bangladesh in the twelfth position among the top twenty countries in the world where unemployment is rising . The number of the unemployed in Bangladesh now is estimated at 30 million. The way the rate of unemployment is increasing, it is feared that at this rate unemployment would soar to some 60 million by 2015. According to another estimate, every year some 2. million young persons are becoming eligible for jobs whereas only about 0. 7 million of them are getting unemployment. The number of the ‘disguised unemployment’ and economic term meaning underemployment people or employed to a degree less than their potential, in some 32 per cent. The huge number of the unemployed and the underemployed in workforce gives an idea of the number of the parasitic ones in the population. Employed persons not only consume from the economy but they also contribute to the economy through production activities and discharge of various services. The unemployed people in contrast only live of the economy or their families and society. They are an absolute burden on the state. Not only being liabilities in the economic sense, politically and socially they are considered to be a source of tension and turmoil. The linkage between unemployment and crimes is obvious. Therefore, all governments in Bangladesh will need to address the unemployment issue very seriously indeed before it turns worse. The recent floods and the devastating sidor storm plus the restructuring activities leading to retrenchment of workers form state operated enterprises, have added to the unemployment problems. Government will have to start up urgently different work programmers like road building and repairs, reconstruction oh infrastructures, etc. especially in the rural areas and continue them for sometime, to migrate the worst woes of the jobless ones at the grass road level. But for the medium and longer terms, the present interim government which is doing pathbreaking works in vital areas, should also adopt a plan of action of tackle unemployment. It can start such a plan and leave gradual implementation of it to successor government. Insufficient investment have been frustrating the creation of employment opportunities of Bangladesh. Government here needs to identify each of the factors that can contribute to a better investment climate. The same would include improvement of law and order, much lowering of the interest rate of borrowing, addition to and up gradation of infrastructures to be supportive of enterprising. Fiscal policies that create level playing fields for local entrepreneurs in relation to foreign competitors, fiscal incentives such as tax reduction and tax exemption, etc. Government will need to act imaginatively and effectively in relation to each of the above factors and more to improve the investment climate that in turn would accelerate economic activities and make the desired impact on the unemployment situation. However, there is also need to be clear about the policies to be pursued to create employment. New enterprise will absorb the unemployment. But capital intensive enterprise will employ a smaller number than labour intensive ones which will understandably employ a greater number. Thus, enterprise with labour intensive character should be identified and encouraged. Government can make a big contribution towards reducing unemployment by also building and operating a large number of training institution to train the jobless ones in different vacation for them to be fit enough to take up employment in the country, to go abroad of doing job or to engage in self-employment. Government ample spending for skill development is all more necessary because private sector more prefer not to invest in this area out of consideration of law profits. The high costs of skill training under the private sector is also likely to exclude most seekers of such training on the ground of their inability to pay for the training. Thus, Government’s role of skill trainer is very important. But government can expect to recover the investment it will make in this area by receiving payments from people who would get jobs after such training. Causes Bangladesh, like other developing countries, suffers from large-scale disguised unemployment in the sense that, even with unchanged techniques of agriculture a large part of the population engaged in agriculture could be removed without reducing agricultural output. Beyond agricultural, disguised unemployment is also existing in large industries, offices and organizations, particularly in the public sector. Unemployment among the educated youths is one of major problems in Bangladesh. The unemployment rate for the population having secondary school certificate level education and above is significantly higher then those with a lower level of education. The unemployment rate for educated woman is higher compared to that for male population. . In Bangladesh salaried/wage employment in the formal sector is not big enough to take care of the huge number of unemployment. Employment promotion, especially , creation of opportunities, continues as the most important function of the Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training, The Fifth Five-year plan for 1997-2002 had set a target of creating additional employment of 6. 35 million persons . of this, a total of 1,60,000 persons expected to be engaged in emphasis had been given on training and credit support to women micro entrepreneurs in cottage industries and other traditional and non-traditional sectors including skill development for service industries and non-farm activities. The private sector and NGO’S are also playing a vital role to this end unemployment problems. Effect of Unemployment problems: The efforts of rural-urban migration in Bangladesh are analyzed to identify a relationship between migration and unemployment, Poverty, unemployment and natural hazards appear to be the main reasons for the rural exodus. The preference for moving to a large city is found to be determined by the urban bias in planning both national and international authorities, and by the public amenities and resources available in the urban areas. An analysis of the levels and trends in urbanization reveals the notable role of rural-urban migration in the rapid growth of the urban population. Most migrants are young, unmarried males of working age. A case study of migrants in Dhaka city illustrates the reasons for and consequences of migration. It is concluded that rural-urban migration is mainly a survival strategy of rural poor. According to a study of the international Labour Organization (ILO), the rate of growth of unemployment in Bangladesh was 1. 9 per cent in the decade of the nineties. But the growth in unemployment currently is 3. 7 percent. The ILO Figures also show Bangladesh in the twelfth position among the top twenty countries in the world where unemployment is rising . The number of the unemployed in Bangladesh now is estimated at 30 million. The way the rate of unemployment is increasing, it is feared that at this rate unemployment would soar to some 60 million by 2015. According to another estimate, every year some 2. 7 million young persons are becoming eligible for jobs whereas only about 0. 7 million of them are getting unemployment. The number of the ‘disguised unemployment’ and economic term meaning underemployment people or employed to a degree less than their potential, in some 32 per cent. The total civilian labour force of the country in 1996-1997 was estimate at 42. 97 million, of which 34. 7 million were male and 8. 27 million were female. These figures, However excluded the female labour force engaged in activities like poultry, livestock, paddy husking, preservation of food etc conducted in rural households and considered as domestic work rather than economic. Since 2000, the U. S manufacturing sector has lost nearly 25 percent of our total manufacturing workforce. Many of those jobs have gone to communist china, where toys for the U. S market are made is sweatshops by workers paid as little as 36 cents per hour and many white-collar jobs have gone to India where telephone operators cab be hired for $1 an hour. Leading economists are becoming willing to admit that their devotion to free trade was misplaced. Paul Samuelson, Nobel prize –winning economist and a dominating figure in U. S economics decades, faced reality before he died and admitted, â€Å"there is nothing in the theory that says trade is always a win-win for every group’’. Dr. Jerome coesi’s latest book, America for sale, is a superb explanation to help the public understand our current economic woes. He shows that free trade is turning America into a two-tiered country like many foreign countries, with few of the very rich and a lot of very poor, while the middle class loses big time. Extent According to a study of the international Labour Organization (ILO), the rate of growth of unemployment in Bangladesh was 1. 9 per cent in the decade of the nineties. But the growth in unemployment currently is 3. 7 percent. The ILO Figures also show Bangladesh in the twelfth position among the top twenty countries in the world where unemployment is rising. The number of the unemployed in Bangladesh now is estimated at 30 million. The way the rate of unemployment is increasing, it is feared that at this rate unemployment would soar to some 60 million by 2015. According to another estimate, every year some 2. 7 million young persons are becoming eligible for jobs whereas only about 0. 7 million of them are getting unemployment. The number of the ‘disguised unemployment’ and economic term meaning underemployment people or employed to a degree less than their potential, in some 32 per cent. The total civilian labour force of the country in 1996-1997 was estimate at 42. 97 million, of which 34. 7 million were male and 8. 7 million were female. These figures, However excluded the female labour force engaged in activities like poultry, livestock, paddy husking, preservation of food etc conducted in rural households and considered as domestic work rather than economic. Index Mundi, a web based statistical data provider, the following chat has been published. This entry contains the percent of the labor f orce that is without jobs. Substantial underemployment might be noted. Bangladesh-Unemployment Rate (%) |Year |Unemployment Rate | |2000 |35. 2 | 2001 |35. 2 | |2002 |35 | |2003 |40 | |2004 |40 | |2005 |40 | |2006 |2. 5 | |2007 |2. 5 | |2008 |2. 5 | |2009 |2. 5 | |2010 |5. 1 | |2011 |4. | |2012 |4. 8 | Types Economics break unemployment down into three distinct varieties- structural, Frictional and Seasonal. Below we will examine each type of unemployment to see how they differ. Structural Unemployment The glossary of Economics defines Structural Unemployment as: â€Å"Structural unemployment is an unemployment that comes form there being an absence of demand for workers that are available†. There are two major reasons that cause of absence of demand for workers in a particular industry: 1. Change in Technology. 2. Change in Tastes. Frictional unemployment: The Glossary of Economics defines Frictional Unemployment as: â€Å"Frictional unemployment is unemployment that comes from people moving between jobs, careers and location†. Source of Frictional unemployment include the following: 1. People entering the workforce from school. 2. People re-entering the workforce after raising school. 3. People changing un-employers due to quitting or being fired. 4. People changing careers due to changing interest. 5. People moving to a new city and being unemployed when they arrive. Seasonal Unemployment : Seasonal unemployment is unemployment due to change in the season-such as a lack of demand of department store santa clauses in January. Seasonal unemployment is a form of structural unemployment, as the structure of the economy changes from month to month. Possible solution to unemployment In order to eliminate this problem. We have to mobilize all our energies to this grade purpose without west in time. The most essential measure industrialization. A large number of mills, factories in industries should be setup where money of our youths we get opportunity to work. A grade change should be brought in our education system. More importance should be given on professional, vocational and technical education. These will make a opening to work in different industrial sector both home abroad. The educated youth should change their attitude to life. They must learn to choose independent carrier. They can start small business. In fact self employment in possible solution to this great problem. it is very effective to search jobs on various freelance. Web sites and get desired jobs easily. Step should be taken to setup property farming, cottage, industries and to open new system of public work to create a job for unemployment people. Exporting manpower can solve this problem to a little extent. If proper measurement is taken this number can easily be increased. But no attempts will dear any fruit unless effect measure are taken to keep the population growth under control. Conclusion in the prime minister questions-answer session on February 17, Prime minister Sheikh Hasina disclosed in the house her government’s plan to bring down unemployment rate to 15% from the existing 40% by the year 2021. She listed the programs that her government at already undertaken for employment generation to remove the cause of employment these include, imparting technical training to unemployment youth’s through 38 technical training centre, building 30 more technical training centre in this districts with no such centers and upgrading syllabus of 23 courses run by the manpower, employment and training bureau of international standards keeping in mind the demand of international recruiters. In the latest labour force survey (LFS) 2005-2006 published in 2008 of Bangladesh bureau statistics. The countries labour force (15 years+ population) stood at 84. 6 million. in the LFS of 2002-2003 it stood 80. 8 millions. The populations below the age of 15 years falls into the category of child population and can not as per law be treated as labour force. Even if we stick to the 2005-2006 LFS figure of 84. 6 million. Secondly, according to the LFS 2005-2006 the annual labor force growth rate for the period 2000-2003 to 2005-06 stood at 2. 21 percent which is higher than the annual population growth rate. Have we been able to increase job opportunities at the above growth rate of force. Thirdly, when the rate of unemployment in the united states is hovering around 10 % (9. 7 % in January,2010) The important of timely and reliable information can hardly be over-emphasized the basis for this information is nationally produce statistic. Statistic provide information or evidence needed for the government daily administration and policy analysis in view of what has been started above. It is high time to as certain the correct rate unemployment in the country and it must be free from political bias in the generator national interest. Bibliography The Cause of unemployment (Written by Murtaza ali Page no 24, 25, 26) Text Sociology Written by Gorge fayel ( page 13, 14) Unemployment- problem-is-a-great-concern-in Bangladesh (Written by Prof. Abdul Aziz Chapter -5, page 56, 57, 58. ) Unemployment-Problem in Bangladesh (Written by Prabir Ray page 9, 10, 11) http://www. oppaper. com/essays/the-causes-of-Unemployment/529084 http://bangladesh2day. com/newsfinance/2010/march/2/Ascertaining-unemployment-rate-php http://www. financialexpress-bd. com/searc

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Convince Your Marketing Team to Implement New Tools

How to Convince Your Marketing Team to Implement New Tools Getting marketing teams to adopt new software isn’t easy. Even if your current toolset is substandard, sometimes people get comfortable with what they have. But, when fear of the unknown  is allowed to prevent positive change, teams run massive risks, including: Stagnation. The marketing industry moves fast, and getting left behind can be fatal for your organization. Reduced efficiency. Sure, maybe your current processes aren’t technically broken. But, if they’re not organized and optimized, you’re trading greater success for status quo. Wasted money. Adopting new software costs money, both for the product itself, and the time spent training new staff. So, if a marketing IT project fails, someone will be on the hook. This ties back into point number one above. Using substandard tools puts businesses at risk for poor performance. But, changing means pushing people out of their comfort zone, which is definitely easier said than done. So, what’s the solution? Implementing a smart user adoption strategy. By showing your team a better future and strategically easing them into new processes, you can increase your odds for success dramatically. Best of all, it also makes onboarding your marketing department onto a new tool a lot easier.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Anthropolgy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anthropolgy - Essay Example The social Darwinists have the notion that the strong are supposed to see their wealth and power increasing while on the other hand, the weak are supposed to experience the decline of their wealth and power. Consequently, different social Darwinists support varying views about the groups of people that are supposed to be considered strong and those to be considered as weak. They also have varying opinions as far as the precise instruments that are supposed to be used in promoting strength and availing punitive measures are concerned. Majority of these types of views put emphasis on the competition that exists among individuals when capitalism is considered while the contrary concept that is characterized by intervention by the government in social development enhances the ideas of racism, Nazism as well as imperialism and the struggle that exists between racial and national groups. Colonialisms effects on modern culture and the resulting groups problems for these people Colonialism generally makes reference to a social system whereby political subjugation that instigated by one society leads to a cultural dominance that is characterized by social change that is enforced (Jain 48). There are cultures that do not find it hard to adopt the pragmatic trade patterns that are associated with the colonialists, but many indigenous people violently rebel and make attempts to take back their cultural sovereignty as well as economic imperialism. The indigenous people were not in a position to fight against the Europeans who had guns, were deceptive and the diseases that affected the indigenous people. A perfect example of this occurrence is the manner that the Americans killed the people that were indigenous to the land that they occupy and made them move into reserves and regardless of their attempts to control their generational land, they

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reflection on conjoint family therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflection on conjoint family therapy - Essay Example Indeed some of the purist therapists cannot acquiescence to commence with a session unless the whole family is present. This therapy exists on the premises that the whole family is the client hence anything less than that is underrepresentation. For the family to heal, it is hence essential that the ailing relationships must be present in the room while therapy is conducted, necessitating the presence of the whole family (Satir 1983, p.66). The symptoms of family pain manifest themselves in one member of the family; these then affect the other members in different forms causing the ultimate breakdown. This has been used with considerable success, to deal with problems such as alcoholism where one member’s addiction affects the entire family (Piercy, Sprenkle, Wetchler 1996, p.320,). One of the major advantages of conjoint family therapy is that it helps create a natural environment for children to express themselves in therapy. Young children often appear to have psychological problems, but these are normally reactions to a troubled environment. Bearing in mind that the child’s primary environment is the family, often family problems Cause his /her discomfiture. As such, the family as a unit will have to heal so the child’s problems can be solved Since children are often not very articulate, individual therapy can be intimidating, and they may be overwhelmed by therapy whose cause they may not even comprehend. This will devalue the therapy, creates the impression that there may be something wrong with him/her hence, and as a result create psychological new problem (Kafka, 2012). Besides, it is crucial that the parents support therapists’ work, and if they are not aware of what the child has learnt through therapy, they might reverse the improvements. This can occur inadvertently through their behavior especially if it is the course of the child requiring therapy in the first place. Conjoint

Monday, November 18, 2019

Analyzing an Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analyzing an Argument - Essay Example Kowinski’s main argument is that leaving your children at the mall is not all that bad. It does provide a type of structure that in its own way replaces life at home and is needed by teenagers. In fact many teens prefer the mall over their own home life. It is a common denominator for the majority of teenagers all over the country (Kowinski, pg). Despite this preference the mall does provide many experiences that are important in a teenager’s life. The article does not insist that Kowinski’s opinion is the be all and end all on the situation. He calmly states examples and explanations for teenager’s behavior. He presents many perspectives on the topic of teenagers and malls and ultimately lets the reader make their own decision. It is interesting to note that despite the fact most teenagers like to hang out at the mall, malls were not originally designed for this purpose. A study was done by the International Council of shopping centers that stated even though teenagers act out in malls, they ultimately do not act out as badly as students who don’t frequent malls (Kowinski, pg). There are consequences to behavior at the mall as there is a level of supervision in the form of management and security. Ultimately malls want teenagers because they learn to value what shopping centers want, consumers. People who find value in owning the coolest and newest gadgets or styles. Malls are training teenagers to be sho ppers. This lesson on consumption can be considered as both positive and negative. Kowinski refers to a psychologist, Dr. David Elkand, a writer, Karen Lansky, CBS report, and Laurence Steinberg of the University of California at Irving on their opinions of teenagers growing up in malls. These sources may not be leaders in the field of sociology or consumer studies but they have a good deal of knowledge on the subject and raise some interesting points. Karen Lansky agrees that malls do substitute and provide some

Friday, November 15, 2019

Importance of Declaration of Independence: Internet Freedom

Importance of Declaration of Independence: Internet Freedom Khoi Dao Relevance of Declaration of Independence In America’s revolution history, the Declaration of Independence wrote by Thomas Jefferson is one of the most iconic document. For most Americans, the Declaration of Independence describes the ideal government, one that works for its people and for their liberty, equality and happiness. Although our found father wrote the Declaration of Independence hundreds of years ago, this document is still relevant today because it gives us a blueprint to protect our â€Å"Internet’s right.† Internet is the most important invention in 20th century. There is not a better place for information and knowledge to be shared than on the World Wide Web. Internet is like supermarket of information and knowledge as it provided for everyone a fast access to practically limitless amount of data. Some people view it as a multimedia haven, some gush at the opportunities it will afford them to complete homework assignments, and for young adolescent boys it serves as a makeshift girlfriend. The Internet, and social networks by extension, is helping to spur an idea that seemed impossible a mere twenty years ago. Language barriers once prevented the average person from talking with someone in Asia or Europe, but now we have tools to communicate with someone in an entirely different language. A good example of this is, a site much like Facebook, where you can practice learning a language with people from different countries. The more humanity integrates over the web, the more soc ial borders dissolve. You might remember a time when the Internet did not exist, but the younger and upcoming generations will never know what it was like to live without web service. The internet service is a must have in nowadays society. Living in this age of technology without access to Internet is like living in a house with no electric. The most fundamental idea of the Internet is the freedom to share information. However, in recent years, the government proposes the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect Internet Protocol Act) bills to further regulate the internet. The goal of these acts is to stop illegal downloading and protecting intellectual property rights, but they will do more than that. The entertainment industry wants to have the power to shut down an unauthorized site or person to protect its property. The SOPA and PIPA will introduce a vast potential for censorship and abuse on making the web less safe and frigid. Websites like Youtube and Facebook will be in the scope of these bills because these websites have huge base of users that express themselves, make arts and produce videos that have lots of copyrighted video clip and music mix in. The video of your baby that you post online will be taken down just because you have music playing in the background. Our politicians tamper with the basic idea of internet, the freedom to share information, just to make the entertainment industry happy. Government involvement in the net is comparable to talking on the phone to your girlfriend while your parents listen in. You can say a few of the things you want, but a lot of the content will be restrained. The notion of censorship is the elimination of the individual liberties of free speech as guaranteed by the American Constitution, prohibiting the right to individual interests and denying personal accountability. The Internet has become the next main target of government regulation and statism. If humanity allows the best symbol of freedom to be interposed upon the results could be catastrophic to the future of our race. The rules and regulations of Internet censorship are oddly close on the side of oppression. Government regulation of the net is comparable to placing D.U.I. checkpoints at every corner to make sure you remember to follow the laws and never consider deviation. While any regulation law introduced to society is always proclaimed to be done for the greater good, the greater good in this scenario may actually lead to the demise of the Internet as we know it. The government mandating Internet censorship will be the fall of democracy. We, as Americans, value freedom, especially speech, above most everything else. Our founding fathers set up our country to ensure that our right to freedom would forever be protected. Soldiers fight constantly to protect our ability to maintain freedom and not allow us to fall under the control of invading governments. Freedom of speech allows us to create our social identities. Communicating our ideas and beliefs, no matter how strong they may be, makes us unique. The Internet is one of the biggest platforms for freedom of speech and banning it as a place of free speech would cause great uproar. If the government had passed this bill it would serve as the tipping point for allowing censorship of speech in our society. While there are those who abuse the privileges of free speech on the Internet this can only lead to a dreary finish. Who is to say that the Internet is the only place where speech should be reg ulated? The government would then examine different places where they can implement restrictions and soon we may lose basic rights. Internet censorship is also contributing to creativity suppression. This creativity could potentially help the human race in the form of innovative new ideas. The Internet forms parallels to the enlightenment era of the 18th century. A big advancement back then was the new coffee shops where a person could pay a penny for a cup of coffee and sit down with other fine gentlemen. This was an interesting time because now a person could be around those of higher intelligence and imbibe the discussions concerning things like the natural sciences and philosophy. This era managed to reform society using reason rather than tradition, faith, and revelation, which lead to an explosion of learning and inquiry. It is almost like these were the prototype for todays Internet, but instead of coffeehouses of we now have sites like Khan Academy, Facebook, and YouTube to share ideas and these sites reach an audience of millions all from the comfort of their own homes. With every social and technologica l innovation the ease and speed of human interaction increases paving the way to greater strides in innovation and thought. If we censored the things said in these cafes who knows what kind of marvelous inventions we would be without today. I could be carving this paper into a rock right now like Fred Flintstone. Nevertheless, pro censorship lobbyist are more concerned with stopping pirating and not worried about the collateral damage all this meddling will have with the people who are actually contributing useful material. The Internet, like a blossoming flower, can truly something beautiful if we allow it to be. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote, â€Å"governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.† This statement is still true in today society. Since the government proposes the SOPA and PIPA bills, people were angry and frustrated. The online community bands together, and organizes the largest protest in Internet history to stopped the SOPA and PIPA bills. Numerous websites began discussion, educated its users about these bills and encouraged them to contact their representatives to stop these acts. Some websites even proposed a â€Å"internet blackout† to protest against these bills. On January 18, 2012, there are more than 100,000 websites participated in the protest. Websites participated in the black out included Reddit, Craiglist, Twitte r, Tumblr, and many more. These websites blackout its websites for 24 hours, and provided links for the users about the SOPA and PIPA bills. Google also participates in the protest as well. Google placed a censor bar over their Goodle doodle, and connected its users to page with information about SOPA and PIPA, and at the end of the day they got 4.5 millions of signatures on their petition. The protest was the huge success, the blackout lead to at least 18 senators withdrawing support of the bills. On January 24, which is the initial date the Congress would vote on these bills, the vote was postponed and the SOPA and PIPA bills are being stopped when people spoken loud and clear. This protest proved that Jefferson’s statement is still relevant to this day. Internet is the wonderful tool that we used it in everyday life, sometimes we even take it for granted. The government proposes SOPA and PIPA bills to censor the Internet, these bills are the biggest threat to the Internet freedom as we know it that’s ever existed. The online community came together and successfully stopped the bills. The Reluctant Fundamentalist | Analysis The Reluctant Fundamentalist | Analysis The Reluctant Fundamentalist is a novel by Mohsin Hamid, young celebrated writer who had very intricately woven the story around a young Pakistani, Changez, who faces a post 9/11 situation in the United States. The novel is his monologue: a quietly told, cleverly constructed fable of infatuation and disenchantment with America, set on the deceitful fault lines of east/west relations, and finely tuned to the ironies of prejudice and misrepresentation. This gives an insight into the post 9/11 scenario and what the Muslims had to face in the United States. It is a deeply provocative, excellent addition to the post September 11 novels. But it would be an understatement to merely term it that. The novel is rich in irony and intelligence. It is beautifully written and superbly constructed. It is more exciting than any thriller Ive read since long, as well as being a subtle and elegant analysis of the state of our world today. It seems that Mohsin Hamid would have us understand the novels title ironically. It has a double meaning likewise the title has one person with two different personas. We are provoked to question whether every critic of America in a Muslim country should be labeled a fundamentalist, or whether the term more accurately describes the capitalists of the American upper class. Yet these queries seem blunter and less interesting than the novel itself, in which the fundamentalist, and potential assassin, may be sitting on either side of the table. Even at the end of the novel the writer closes with the narration, He writes: I hope you will not resist my attempt to shake you by the hand. But why are you reaching into your jacket, Sir? Therefore, it can be gauged that the American even after all the hospitality does not shrug off the suspicion he had in the beginning. The writer starts the sentence in the second line which is self explanatory of the perception of Muslims in the United States post 9/11. It says: Do not be frightened by my beard: I am a lover of America. Throughout the novel we will come across instances where the writer tries to establish how the Americans perceive the Muslim world no matter how and what their contributions and emotions have been towards The United States. Authors Background: This book is written by Mohsin Hamid, born in 1971 in Lahore. After studying at Princeton and Harvard Law, he worked in New York and London, first as a management consultant with McKinsey and then as managing director of Wolff Olins. He now lives and writes in Lahore. His first novel, Moth Smoke- 2000, dealt with sex, drugs, and class conflict in 1990s urban Pakistan. It inquires the reader to judge the trial of an ex-banker and heroin addict who has fallen for his best friends wife. Moth Smoke became a cult hit in Pakistan. It was also the winner of a Betty Trask Award and a finalist for the PEN/Hemingway Award. This second novel, The Reluctant Fundamentalist -2007, explored the fear and suspicion that followed the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In it an American, encounters a bearded Pakistani who has left behind a high-flying career and love affair in New York. The novel became an international bestseller, won numerous awards, and was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize. Mohsin also writes essays and journalism for the Guardian, Time Magazine, The New York Times, Dawn, La Repubica, and other publications. Mohsin Hamid started writing the novel in 2000 before even 9/11 struck and then after it stuck he weaved the story around the same man Changez who went to study in America and built it in the aftermath of the fall of the twin towers. Because the writer has been living in the United States and also studied at the same institutes that he has mentioned therefore there is a likelihood that his personal observations would have come into play too. Target Audience: The audience that the writer caters is general public. The fall of the twin towers in the United States shook the world and a war was inflicted in the name of War on Terror bringing Muslims under its crunch. Therefore this book especially focuses on the youth, as the post 9/11 situation affected mostly the young working and studying in the US. Summary: The novel begins a few years after 9/11. Mohsin Hamid has very intricately woven the story around a young bearded man, Changez who happens upon the American in Lahore, invites him to tea and tells him the story of his life in the months just before and after the attacks. In 2001, as he explains, Changez was hardly a radical, as he now appears, not from within, but from without. That monologue is the substance of Hamids graceful and unnerving novel. Fresh out of Princeton, Changez was living in New York City and working as a Financial Analyst. At Princeton he was one of only two Pakistanis in his class who did exceptionally well there: I reached my senior year without having received a single B. The man who hires him is also something like a mentor: Jim is an American who rose from poor circumstances to become a very successful man, and he sees a similar hunger in Changez, though Changez doesnt think they are that similar. The fundamental motivation is slightly different: I did not grow up in poverty. But I did. His indoctrination, however, was never total. Starting with his job interview at Underwood Samson to a post-graduation trip to Greece with friends from Princeton, Changez maintains an outsiders double perspective. On the trip he is infatuated with Erica, one of the other travelers, but is also bothered by his rich friends extravagance and the arrogance with which they give orders to anyone theyve paid for a service: I found myself wondering by what peculiarity of human history my companions many of whom I would have regarded as upstarts in my own country, so devoid of refinement were they were in a position to conduct themselves in the world as though they were its ruling class. Yet even as he recognizes the shortcoming of that ruling class, Changez, who comes from a high-status family, moving downwardly, also aspires to join it. Given his oft-mentioned phenomenal aptitude for his new job and a talent for winning over other people, that goal seems all but guaranteed. Has he sacrificed his identity in pursuit of his status? Is he an ignorant master or a shrewd subaltern? Changez has already begun to ask himself these questions when he sees the towers fall. And in the wake of the attacks, as tensions escalate between India and Pakistan, and the United States is caught up in patriotic displays that strike Changez as a dangerous form of nostalgia, he loses interest in his work. Assigned to help appraise a publishing company in Valparaiso, Chile, he spends his time visiting Nerudas house and lunching with the publisher, who compares Changez to a janissary one of the Christian youths captured and then conscripted by the Ottomans, compelled to do battle against their own civilization. He appears to hide himself and his emotions completely, until his reaction to the attacks through the sudden smile, pierces the shell. It seems to have come as a surprise even to him and while hardly endearing, it sets his tale in motion. Changez has a particular way with words, especially regarding the American. Rather than stating the obvious, he offers a more agreeable alternative one that permits both him and the American to continue their pretense. And that it is a charade right from the beginning. Come, tell me, what were you looking for? Surely, at this time of day, only one thing could have brought you to the district of Old Anarkali and that is the quest for the perfect cup of tea. Have I guessed correctly? In the last lines of the 1st page the writer pens the American mindset, he writes: You prefer that seat with your back so close to the wall? He then adds satirically explaining to the American that the Pakistanis are not all terrorists and to be feared: You would have been surprised by the sweetness of his (Waiters) speech, if only you understood Urdu. Mohsin Hamid also talks about the dilemmas of the Pakistani society and narrates: Status in any traditional, class conscious society declines more slowly than wealth. He also talks about the suspicion with which the Americans view the Pakistanis, he tells him that the food is not poisoned and therefore offers an exchange of tea cups also to shrug all suspicions. The writer continues reflecting on the American mind and how they view the Muslims and adds to the tale: The American says: Although I like Pakistanis but the elite has raped that place well and good, right? And fundamentalism, you guys have some serious problem with fundamentalism. The writer through the mind of Changez feels bridled but accepts that there was nothing overtly objectionable in what he said. But the offence that he took made him restrict his response to Yes there are challenges but my family is there and I can assure you it is not as bad as that. Readers may be led to believe that the conversation over tea and dinner is merely a framing device, and that the true heart of the novel is the life-story Changez recounts, but that narrative is interrupted too often. Changezs life-story holds clues to what brings these two men together here for what is surely meant to be a fateful encounter which the writer pulls that off to some extent. Two things follow the turning point in the novel: Changez begins his introspection about Americas hegemony and power and the city he had embraced with such joy only a few months before begins to view him with mistrust and suspicion as the public mood and climate change. Changezs life begins to unravel quickly. Erica slips away from him, is confined to a mental asylum and eventually disappears. He is fired from his job. He returns to Lahore, bitter and disillusioned about the United States, and begins to teach at a university. His exposition of US behavior in its grief-crazed, wounded state offers a sort of postscript to this novel. As a society, you retreated into myths of your own difference, assumptions of your own superiority. And you acted out these beliefs on the stage of the world Such an America had to be stopped in the interests not only of the rest of humanity but also in your own. Changez does not let on exactly what he does to stop America once he is back in Pakistan though he admits that is his mission. Hamid keeps the ending of the novel open and faintly ominous. It is hard to tell how reliable a narrator Changez is. Analysis: Mohsin Hamid is a young celebrated writer. A less sophisticated author might have told a short narrative of an immigrants experiences of discrimination and ignorance. But Hamids novel is distinguished by its portrayal of Changezs class aspirations and inner struggle. For, to be an American is to view the world in a certain way. Ericas obsession with the past engineered to dovetail with Americas nostalgia and with Changezs yearning for a lost Lahore while her disappearance neatly parallels his departure from America. Hamid, who himself attended Princeton and worked in corporate America, aptly captures the ethos and hypocrisies truly and intricately. We never learn the American mans identity, yet Changez regularly interrupts the story to address him. Perhaps he had been pursuing Changez, who has become a leader of anti-American protests. Apparently, the man is on a mission and he may be carrying a weapon, as indicated in the last lines. The use of monologue in The Reluctant Fundamentalist allows the writer intimate access to his central characters mind. Not without its limitations, monologue is used here with great effectiveness, particularly in helping to build suspense. Changezs tone, which is sometimes exaggeratedly polite, sometimes darkly menacing, is laced with the bitter irony. The precise, rather classical orchestration of symmetries and reciprocities is both a strength and a weakness in the book. It fosters the kind of concentratedly astute cultural observation at which Hamid excels. At frequent intervals the narrative executes a nice flourish in the form of some densely symbolic image or succinct remark. Changez meaningfully summarizes, for instance, the experience of every happy Manhattan transplant when he declares: I was, in four and a half years, never an American; I was immediately a New Yorker. Conclusion: The nature of fiction here is closer to reality. The east/west scenario, the discovery of ones patriotism and a morally superior set of values leaves Changez with a sense of decision to leave the United States in the wake of September 11 attacks. He, therefore becomes a potentially fascinating character, what his creator would have intended. This is undoubtedly a great novel written out of the anguished material of these kinds of east/west encounters. This book and its author (who won a Betty Trask award for his first novel, Moth Smoke) certainly has the potential to produce more world class novels. It gives an insight into the American mind and how the world in a post 9/11 circumstances view the Muslims. It also enhances feelings of patriotism when the other partys intentions become evident. My critical analysis of The Reluctant Fundamentalist is a testament to its genuinely provocative nature, and it remains, at the very least, an intelligent, highly engaging piece of work.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hermes :: essays research papers fc

The fleet-footed messenger with wings on his heels and cap symbolizes fast delivery. However, Hermes was neither originally winged nor a messenger - that role was reserved for the rainbow goddess Iris (Medusa's cousin and the daughter of Thaumys and Elektra). Hermes was, instead, clever, tricky, a thief, and, with his awakening or sleep conferring wand (rhabdos), the original sandman whose descendants include a major Greek hero and a noisy, fun-loving god. Before Zeus married Hera, Maia (a daughter of the second generation Titan Atlas, who was a son of the Titan Iapetos and Okeanos' daughter Klymene) bore him a son, Hermes. Like Heracels, Hermes showed amazing skill in early years. He escaped his cradle, wandered outside, and walked from Mt. Cyllene to Pieria where he found Apollo's cattle. His natural character was to steal them. He even had a smart plan. First, he padded their feet to soften the sound, and then he drove fifty of them backwards in order to confuse search. He stopped at the Alpheios River to make the first sacrifice to the gods. To do so, he had to invent fire, or at least how to fire up it. Then he selected two of Apollo's herd, and after killing them, divided each into six parts to keep in touch with the twelve Olympians. There were, at the time, only eleven. The remaining part was for him. After completing his new ceremony, Hermes went back home. On his way, he found a tortoise that he took inside his house. Using leather strips from Apollo's herd as string, he created the first lyre. He was playing the new musical instrument when Apollo found him. Noticing the material of the string, Apollo was angry with Hermes for stealing his cattle and smart enough not to believe Hermes when he protested his innocence. Bringing together seemed impossible until the father of both gods stepped in. To make amends, Hermes gave his half-brother the tortoise shell lyre. Later, Hermes and Apollo made another exchange. Apollo gave his half-brother the Caduceus in exchange for a flute Hermes invented. Zeus realized he had to keep his smart, cattle-rustling son out of mischief, so he put him to work as god of trade and business. He gave him power over birds of sign, dogs, boars, flocks of sheep, and lions. He provided him with golden sandals, and made him messenger (angelos) to Hades.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Barclays Plc and Abn Amro Case Study

[pic] London School of Commerce MBA E BARCLAYS PLC AND ABN AMRO CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT London UK As one of the world’s leading banks, with 135,000 employees in more than 50 countries, Barclays plays a significant role, from working with governments on major infrastructure projects to bringing banking to customers in emerging markets. Barclays is made up of two major businesses: Global Retail and Commercial Banking (GRCB) and Investment Banking and Investment Management (IBIM). There strategy is to achieve growth through time by diversifying their profit base making their growth relevant to their customers at all times. This case study will seek to examine the bid and intended acquisition of ABN AMRO, and the early acquisition of Banco Zaragozano by Barclays, the differences in performance of these two banks based upon the strategic a economic motives, focusing on the merger acquisition, and strategy implemented to effect improvements to reflect the results from 2002- 2006. 1. Evaluate Barclays strategy over the period of the case and prior to the ABN bid, paying particular attention to the global industry drivers and the group? s performance from 2002-2006. In order to understand the context that helps to formulate the strategic performance changes at Barclays PLC over and prior bid for ABN AMOR. Barclay? s’ origins can be found back in 1690 to John Freame and Thomas Gould. The named changed to its present form when James Barclay became a partner in 1736. Presently, Barclays is the third largest bank in the United Kingdom. The institution’s primary focus is in retail banking, investment banking as well as investment management. Barclays operates in 60 countries with major point of interest in Europe, the United States, Asia, and Africa. Barclays is one of the ten largest banks global when measured by market capitalization (Barclays PLC, 2004). The institution’s core business revolves around retail and investment banking, and it is the later that is being impacted by forces acting upon liberal market economies in varied European Union member states as a result of the aforementioned introduction of the Euro as well as globalization. As a result of the preceding, Barclays services the United Kingdom market as well as providing services to multinational companies located in differing market models. Barclays strategy. The bank’s strategy is to offer a full portfolio of services worldwide, providing a wide range of cross-selling opportunities, in order to achieve good growth through time by diversifying its business base and increasing its presence in markets and segments that are growing rapidly. This is driven by the Group’s ambition to become one of a handful of universal banks leading the global financial services industry, helping customers and clients throughout the world achieve their goals. Moreover, the strategy of the bank is based on the principles of earn, invest and grow. Aligning business drivers with strategic options. The strategic options examined by Barclays were further direct investment or outsourcing to a ‘partner’ bank and these were considered in the context of the bank’s key business drivers. These were:improving their operating model for trade processing; reducing the costs of their trade business in relation to people, infrastructure and services; improving their trade service capabilities and establishing a workable, non-competing, long-term ‘partnership’. After considering all of the options, including a Joint Venture partnership, Barclays decided to outsource the processing aspect of its trade services offering to ABN AMRO and to focus on delivering enhanced client service. Performance Nowadays, the proliferation of banking consolidation within the industry is and has created a new era of international banking conglomerates in the global industry. The preceding is causing European based banks to appear small in terms of relative comparison. Barclays? peration in a liberal market economy means it competes with equity financing for corporations and as such, this does not represent a strength concerning its overall performance base. According to group? s performance from 2002-2006 identifies that Barclays? performance underpinnings are represented by its strategy of acquiring other banking (such as ABN Amro and Banco Zaragozano) concerns to expand its retail as well as other banking services through representation in international marke ts as represented by the bank’s presence in 60 countries. This provides Barclays with the means to sell its highly profitable investment banking services as well as be positioned to service the cadre of multinational companies that utilize its diverse banking financial service packages. On the other hand, ABN AMRO bank has a presence in 76 countries and territories. Using its worldwide network the bank provides universal banking services consisting of commercial and investment banking products to corporate nationally and internationally operating clients as well as personal and private banking customers. In 2007, Barclays announced the proposed acquisition of ABN AMRO bank, in order to expanded their distribution base. The deal was valued at â‚ ¬67 billion. On October, the RFS consortium led by Royal Bank of Scotland, bidding for control of ABN AMRO, formally declared victory after shareholders, representing 86 percent of the Dutch bank’s shares, accepted the RFS group’s â‚ ¬70bn offer. Barclays is known a consistent performer delivering steady profitability results, 20% increase in profit before taxes in 2003, and again in 2004, and one of the lowest cost to income ratios with regard to banks in the UK. The preceding indicates that Barclays is well managed. Barclays? focus on internal administrative consolidation as well as the acquisition of banking concerns represents its recognition in order to maintain growth in revenues, return on equity, dividends and profits in response to maintaining a high market capitalization that tends to make it a relatively unattractive takeover target as a result of the high premium required to acquire it Barclays? retail banking arm is clearly supported by the huge success of its Barclaycard division that has set industry standards in terms of innovations in customer utility. Barclays? resence in 60 countries further strengthens the utility of this card providing business and retail customers with access to their financial accounts globally (Barclays PLC, 2004). The aforementioned diversity in operations is a result of the economic strength of global industry market based economies that have fully recovered from the global recession events of 2002. B arclays? banking acquisition strategy is a direct outgrowth of the foregoing in keeping with the consolidation mania initiated by U. S. based banks. According to ABN AMRO bank performance, financial results in 2006 added to concerns about the bank's future. Operating expenses increased at a greater rate than operating revenue, and the efficiency ratio deteriorated further to 69. 9%. Non-performing loans increased considerably year on year by 192%. Net profits were only boosted by sustained asset sales. From 2002 to 2006, the further progress being made as a result of understanding the corrective measures that were and are needed to be taken. Barclays ? performance throughout this period has remained consistent and steady as the bank has not lost sight of the competencies that helped it achieve acceptable historical performance. . Compare and contrast the intended acquisition of ABN with that of the earlier acquisition of Banco Zaragozano, paying particular attention to the merger rationale and the motives in each case and the likely synergy gains resulting from the integration of ABN. According to the drivers of the bidding war that preceded the intended acquisition of ABN AMRO bank and the acquisition of Banco Zaragozano by Barclays in 2003, it is important to understand why merger and acquisition (M) take place and the potential gains of doing so. But first some definitions. Mergers and acquisitions. Mergers and acquisitions (M) are considered as consolidation strategies where a change of control takes place through a transfer of ownership. A merger is the combining of two or more companies into a single corporation. This is achieved when one company or business purchases the property or some other form of assets from another company. The result of this action is the formation of one corporate structure. This new corporate structure retains it is original identity. An acquisition is a little different from a merger n that it involves many problems being dissolved, and an entirely new company being formed. The main theory of merger and acquisition is synergy, that is, one and one makes three. Through synergy, managers create greater value with the integration of two companies, rather than that of their individual parts. Strategic and economic motives. The strategic of Barclays with the intended acquisition of ABN AMRO bank was to created a big opportunity with the purpose to deliver a new period of faster growth for shareholders in general. Moreover the intended investment would be implemented at a reasonable price slightly below the recent market trading price. The merger for Barclays was focused in a strong financial performance provides clear strategic advantages as well as stature on the world business state. The proposed merger with ABN AMRO, offered a unique opportunity to become a leading force in global retail and commercial banking with an stimate 47 millions customers, in order to increase financial returns to their owners beyond the rate of the stand-alone entities. And the fact that this merger, combining the strengths and values of both businesses, gives them confidence in delivery, both in terms of synergies, and determined in considerable detail by ABN AMRO bank and Barclays, in terms of a clearly defined and transparent management structure that we are putting in place. In terms of growth for shareholders, the combined entity would offers a diversified portfolio, both by geography and by business. Exposure to high-growth developing markets represents about a quarter of the enlarged pro forma profit base. Business segments such as investment banking and investment management, which have as we know strong growth opportunities driven by demographic trendS represent about half of profits For Global Retail and Commercial Banking, the merger would create the fourth largest retail and commercial bank worldwide by market share, and in a world where the needs and buying behaviours of retail and commercial customers are growing more similar, this will create economies of scale. Furthermore, the benefits generate by the merger between both banks would be: complementary networks, a strong presence in attractive European markets; significantly enhanced positions in high-growth developing markets; a much larger distribution network; and the opportunity to deliver considerable economies of scale. The main reason behind Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), has trumped Barclays? offer for ABN Amro. The for each ABN AMRO share, 79 per cent of which will be in cash, with the remainder in RBS shares. The cash element was higher than expected and the bid, valuing ABN at E71bn (? 8bn), beats Barclays? agreed all-share offer, worth E64. 5bn. The deal offers better value for ABN AMRO bank shareholders. And price is not the only factor, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) also combined cost savings would reach E4. 23bn by the end of 2010, easily beating Barclays? estimated savings of around E2. 8bn. In essence the driving force behind the success of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) bid over Barclays was in fact the higher share price expectations offering the perfect icing. That partly reflects the radically difierent strategic visions of the two banks. Barclays is looking to build a huge universal bank where cross-border synergies could be limited. But the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) consortium wants to generate a type of â€Å"in-market synergies†, by breaking-up ABN AMRO. On the other hand, in 2003, Barclays announces the completion of its acquisition of Banco Zaragozano, at a cost of ? 788 million which fit nicely into Barclays' strategy to grow its business in Europe. Barclays has been present in the Spanish market for 25 years and it the most profitable foreign-owned bank in the country. The acquisition of Banco Zaragozano to its arsenal makes Barclays the sixth largest private bank in Spain (much of the market is dominated by publicly-owned banks) and triples Barclays customer base and branch network. Barclays aimed to be one of the top five banks in the world and for that it would consider acquisition to achieve the goal. Further, Barclays believes that a physical retail and commercial banking presence is a significant enabler of investment banking growth. The acquisition of Banco Zaragozano, shows that strong retail presence generates ood new business opportunities for global businesses such as investment banking and credit cards. The success or failure of a deal also depends on the time horizon over which evaluation is done. Normally, in the short term, stock reactions to merger announcements tend to raise the target's stock price, while the stock of the acquirer stays about the same. This is normally attributable to the expectation that there will be a bid that is successful and involves a premium above the current market price of the stock. Acquirer prices stay the same, in general, as the market reacts conservatively, depending on the specifics of the deal. 3. Identify what you believe to the key success factors necessary to sustain competitive adavantage in the global financial services industry and briefly discuss the implications for the firm? s competencies, structure, and ehical/corporate governance. Critical success factors (CSFs) have been used significantly to present or identify a few key factors that organisations should focus on to be successful. As a definition, Critical success factors refer to â€Å"the limited number of areas in which satisfactory results will ensure successful competitive performance for the individual, department, or organisation† (Rockart and Bullen, 1981). Identifying CSFs is important as it allows firms to focus their efforts on building their capabilities to meet the CSFs, or even allow firms to decide if they have the capability to build the requirements necessary to meet Critical success factors (CSFs). The main keys success factors for Barclays in the case study are, with over three hundred years of history and expertise in banking Barclays has seen and has gained a reputation for being a trustworthy and a reliable institution to bank and invest with. This reputation has seen it grow into over 50 countries and become truly universal bank providing loans, investments and protecting the money of over 42 million customers and client worldwide. Another reason for the success of Barclays would be that it follows a simple strategic premise; ‘anticipates the needs of customers and clients and serve them by helping them achieve their goals. Part of Barclays recent success has been their ability to target and identify upcoming emerging markets for example: India, parts of Asia and Africa, namely South Africa, expanding its retail network and cash machine availability. Despite being a truly global corporation from a basic bank account to funding Governmental projects, Barclays focus ha s always been to meet the needs of the individual customer. Furthermore, competitive advantages are difficult to create. It is even more difficult to sustain. Community banks usually can not achieve a cost advantages, especially in head-to-head competition with larger, high-volume institutions. That leaves differentiation as their primary method for creating Competitive advantages. But that approach is also problematic. It is clear that technology is playing a bigger and bigger role in banking. But today most banks are using functionally identical systems to develop and deliver products and services. This uniformity of technology has resulted in commoditized banking – the antithesis of differentiation. So while emerging technology can create a temporary advantage, sustainable differentiation based solely on technology is virtually impossible. To make matters worse, technology has actually eliminated some of the historical advantages enjoyed by community banks. Thanks to CRM, personalized service – once the sole province of community banks – is now possible for even the largest institutions. Sustainable Competitive advantages is created by leveraging organization’s unique blend of attributes – brand equity, reputation, geographic footprint, specialized knowledge – and articulating it clearly and consistently to your market. Barclays is an excellent example of a bank that has achieved Competitive advantages through specialized knowledge. On the other hand, on the global financial services industry corporate governance is essential to the wellbeing of an individual company and its stakeholders, particularly its shareholders and creditors. But sound corporate governance is not just a vital factor at the level of the individual corporation. It is also a critical ingredient in maintaining a sound financial system and a robust economy. And that is why governments have taken such an interest in recent examples of corporate governance failures. It is also why banking supervisors are placing greater emphasis on the role that corporate governance can play in promoting financial stability. In the financial system, corporate governance is one of the key factors that determine the health of the system and its ability to survive economic shocks. The health of the financial system much depends on the underlying soundness of its individual components and the connections between them – such as the banks, the non-bank financial institutions and the payment systems. In turn, their soundness largely depends on their capacity to identify, measure, monitor and control their risks. Barclays have designed good corporate governance policies and practices in order to ensure that they are focused on their responsibilities to shareholders and on creating long term shareholder value, and ensuring that behaviour is ethical, legal and transparent. In firms, structure is basically the best way to organize it, in order to accomplish it is objectives. It acts as the medium that facilitates the accomplishments of the organizational goals. It also helps to identify the key activities of the organizational processes and how they are coordinated. Moreover, successful strategy implementation depends to a large extent on the firm’s primary organizational structure. A primary organizational structure comprises the firm’s major elements, components, or differentiated units. Other means of getting organized are through reward systems, coordination terms, planning procedures, alliances, information, and budgetary systems. Geographical structure It is common in firms that have grown by expanding the sale of their products of services to new geographical areas. In these areas, they frequently encounter differences that necessitate different approaches in producing, providing or selling services or products. The key strategic advantage of this structure is responsiveness to local market conditions, a clear example of that is the intended acquisition of ABN AMRO and the early acquisition of Banco Zaragozano. To conclude, after being satisfied with its progress in the United Kingdom, Barclays decided to make its name international by going abroad which was another great move. In the United Kingdom, Barclays had acquired many other small banks, such a Banco Zaragozano, gained large market and profits with each acquisition. As a result of this growth, this company had reached its maturity stage within UK itself; it has reached its peak of growth. Further, Barclays, performance throughout 2002-2006 has remained consistent and steady as the bank has not lost sight of the competencies that helped it achieve acceptable historical performance. Bibliography †¢ Barclays PLC. 2004. Annual Report. Barclays PLC, London, United Kingdom. †¢ Calmfors, Lars, Driffil, John. 1988. Centralisation of Wage Bargaining. Vol. 6. Economic Policy Dammann, N. 2008. The Bidder Competition for ABN AMRO: A Strategic Analysis and Implications †¦Bachelor tesis. †¢ Esping-Anderrsen, Gosta. 1990. Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, United States. †¢ Foster, S. Reed A. , & Nesvold P. 1999. The art of M & A: a merger, acquisition, buyout guide. Fourth edition. †¢ Friedman, Thomas. 1999. The Lexus and the Olive Tree. P 105. Anchor Books, New York, New York, United States †¢ Hall, Peter, Soskice, David. 2001. Varieties of Capitalism: The Insitutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage. Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom. Ireland, D. , Hoskisson, R. , & Hitt, M. 2008 Understanding Business Strategy: Concepts and Cases. Second edition †¢ Monks, R. , & Minow N. 2008. Corporate Governance. Fourth edition †¢ Rockart, J. & Bullen, C. , 1981. A primer on critical success factors. Center for Information Systems Research Working Paper No 69. Sloan School of Management, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts. †¢ Tibergien, M. & Pomering. 2005. R. Practice made perfect: the discipline of business management for financial. Bloomberg.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Pm Triangle Essay

Pm Triangle Essay Pm Triangle Essay Library Assignment The traditional Pm Triangle is derived from traditional project success factors, critical success factors are additional variables used to measure project success. The PM Triangle application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations from a project. For a project to be successful the Triangle scope, time and cost must remain in proportion to the other side. Project management triangle has been a tool relied upon project management for decades. It has taken many shapes to help communicate the complexities of a project. The tradition PM Triangle consists of time, cost, and scope. The amount of time it takes to complete a project, the overall budget of the project, and the goal of the project that must be completed to satisfy the project. The triangle is drawn as an equilateral triangle which indicates all size is the same. This indicates that any changes to time, Example increase time towards the project has an effect on cost and scope. This will require a change in cost to pay more employees for the extra time and these changes the overall scope view of the project. The initial triangle represents the concept that when all of the known cost, time, and scope constraints are working together the desired project quality will be successfully achieved (2008). The project scope defines the system and determines its behavior of the project, how the work will be accomplished (Russell W. D., John M. P, 2010). Events do occur that require the scope of the project to change for example a changes in a supermarket may require changes in a product design or the timing of the product delivery. Project success often includes completing the project on time. Completing the project on time requires the development of realistic time and the effective management plan. Project team develops a work breakdown structure for more detail scheduling. This defines the project by dividing the project into major subcomponents which are subdivided into more components (Jay.H, Barry R. 2010). The division of the project into smaller and smaller components can be difficult, but critical to managing the project and to scheduling success. Developing and controlling a project budget that will accomplish the project objectives is a critical project management skill. This provides a means of controlling the consumption of budget across time (Russell W. D., John M. P, 2010). One responsibility of a project manager is to identify which of the three constraints is most important to the project. For example, to have the product out the door by a specific date or to have the project complete within a certain budget. The project manager is responsible for developing a project quality plan that defines the quality expectations and assures that the specifications and expectations are met. The quality plan is created early in the project because decisions made about quality can have a significant impact on other decisions about scope, time, cost and risk (Carsten H 2010). Human Resource consists of staffing the project with the right skills, at the right place, and at the right time is an important responsibility of the project management team. According to (), having motivated team members is the best interest of the project, the project manager, and the organization. According to Russell Darnall and John Preston (2010), the top ten reasons why project fails are due to the lack of communication. Team work requires good communication among team members. Good communication would indicate team meetings discuss issues about the project or questions regarding project. Risk exist in all projects it’s important for project managers to understand the kinds and levels of the risks on the project. Project managers then need to develop and design plans to mitigate those risks. Project managers treat risk management as a dynamic part of a project

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Chapter 4 Study Guide Essays - United States, Free Essays

Chapter 4 Study Guide Essays - United States, Free Essays Chapter 4 Study Guide John Marshall Alien and Sedition Acts Louisiana Territory George Washington's Farewell Address - what things did he warn against? Federalist party views on the issues (Hamilton) Democratic-Republican party views on the issues (Jefferson) Views of people (for/against) War of 1812 Amendments in the Bill of Rights Ft. McHenry Francis Scott Key Marbury v. Madison XYZ Affair Whiskey Rebellion and excise taxes Bank of the United States (the debate over it) Battle of Tippecanoe Embargo Act of 1807 Presidential election of 1800 and its importance George Washington's cabinet Impressment Pinckney's Treaty Judicial Review War Hawks Jam es Madison and the Constitution and as President Election of 1796 Aaron Burr Possible essay questions: Lewis and Clark War of 1812 Views of Hamilton and Jefferson Chapter 4 Study Guide John Marshall Alien and Sedition Acts Louisiana Territory George Washington's Farewell Address - what things did he warn against? Federalist party views on the issues (Hamilton) Democratic-Republican party views on the issues (Jefferson) Views of people (for/against) War of 1812 Amendments in the Bill of Rights Ft. McHenry Francis Scott Key Marbury v. Madison XYZ Affair Whiskey Rebellion and excise taxes Bank of the United States (the debate over it) Battle of Tippecanoe Embargo Act of 1807 Presidential election of 1800 and its importance George Washington's cabinet Impressment Pinckney's Treaty Judicial Review War Hawks Jam es Madison and the Constitution and as President Election of 1796 Aaron Burr Possible essay questions: Lewis and Clark War of 1812 Views of Hamilton and Jefferson

Monday, November 4, 2019

Gestalt and Person Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Gestalt and Person - Essay Example In the Person-centered approach, the client becomes the sessions’ focal point while the therapists take a rather passive role while trying to learn about the client as the client progressively journeys towards self-actualization (Worsley, 2009). The therapist provides a very conducive and supportive environment to the client. The therapist also provides a positive, unconditional regard and a feedback that is non-judgmental. The therapist refrains from making any suggestions for the client; the client independently decides what they wish to work on while the therapist readily provides understanding and support (Worsley, 2009). This approach yields more fruits in an emergency since the client discovers their own areas that require their inputs and define a way of achieving their perceived shortcomings. Unlike Gestalt method, the therapist minimally alters the process of self-actualization, and there are better chances of adherence to the course of therapy since all decisions are client’s (Worsley, 2009).The gestalt approach views the client as a center of focus. It is an existential approach used in counseling. This approach views the client as a unified whole (Mann, 2010). The client cannot be disintegrated into units without losing their essence. This theory more based on a field approach that dictates that things must be studied in their environment to fully understand them (Mann, 2010). The environment is in a constant change; connections and interrelation processes are of key importance.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Discussion Questions Week 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Discussion Questions Week 3 - Essay Example ANOVA (analysis of variance) is used to test the differences between more than two groups. The difference between ANOVA and sample statistical testing is that it compares more than just one or two variables. The importance of hypothesis testing when conducting research is that it asks a hypothetical question as well as answers it. Without hypothesis testing, the hypothesis would be pointless because there were no attempts to prove or disprove it. Also, the point of coming up with a hypothesis is to test it, so that it can either be proven or disproven; in the case that it is proven, it can become a scientific theory. There are very few cases when hypothesis testing is not used, and those cases are usually when the answer is quite obvious and it would be a waste of time and money to test on it. When someone comes up with a magnificent theory, the only thing they really can do is test it to see if it is plausible. Hypothesis testing is a critical part of conducting research as it aids in one, doing the proper research to avoid messing up entirely and two, the come upon the wanted result (or in some cases, the unexpected